

What is the scenery of the Netherlands?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The most striking thing is that most of the country is very flat and there is a lot of water.

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That would be mount Scenery on Saba in the Caribbean. But if you mean in The Netherlands as a country it would be the Vaalserberg. It's actually not really a mountain cause its only about 320 meters high. The Netherlands are very flat. ;)

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Example counter nouns for 'scenery' are: views of scenery pictures of scenery (photos or paintings) flats of scenery (theatrical)

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The suffix of scenery is -ery.

What is the plural of the sentence the scenery is beautiful?

There are two nouns. They are scenery and lake.

Who invented scenery?

Nobody is responsible for the invention of scenery. Scenery is the view that is seen from different angles by a person.

Is scenery an abstract noun?

The noun scenery is a concrete noun for specific scenery, the immediate physical surroundings or the set on a stage. The noun scenery is an abstract noun when used in general, for example: I need a vacation from the dreary scenery of the city. The scenery of the countryside would be so soothing.

How do use scenery in a sentence?

Look at the marvelous scenery.

How do I use scenery in a sentence for elementary students?

Look at the beautiful scenery. Maybe have a picture of some beautiful scenery.