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Q: What is the schooling system like in east timor?
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What kind of game do people play in east timor?

Well they play sports like us such as volleyball, football and all others

What was the population of East Timor in 2012?

hello my name is sally and i like to smile but when i see the name bob i freak cause that makes me sad

What date did the east Timor start?

Go On Google && Look It Up !#Str8 LIKE DAT POW ! Don't go on google and look it up instead mabye ask someone if they know or check out a YouTube video called culture in east timor and that will tell you. Don't just look in google. Use your brain. omg#

What date did the East Timor war start?

Go On Google && Look It Up !#Str8 LIKE DAT POW ! Don't go on google and look it up instead mabye ask someone if they know or check out a youtube video called culture in east timor and that will tell you. Don't just look in google. Use your brain. omg#

What happened in East Timor since the Portuguese left?

It's deteriorated; leaders shot, asylum deals off and on, still like the poorest country on the planet, asylum camps bursting...

What was pocahontas's schooling like?

she didn't necessarily have schooling... more like hunting a weaving baskets suff like that. hoped that helped! :)

Does the UN help stop genocide?

It depends on the genocide. There are some genocides, like the East Timor Genocide, that the UN did help to stop. There are some genocides, like the Rwanda Genocide, that the UN ignored. There are some genocides like the Holocaust, which occurred prior to the UN's existence.

What was Louis Armstrong schooling like?

As Louis Armstrong was Black and and from a poor family I do not think he had any schooling.

What is the schooling like in Chile?

Maybe nice.

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What was schooling like?

it was harsh bad teachers

What was George Washington early schooling like?

Not much is known about his early schooling. Somebody taught him the basics but just who did is not known.