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The schwa is the upside-down 'e' in phonics, and is used for vowels that makes sounds that are not their long and short sounds. I believe the schwa in 'syllable' is the 'a.' (Sil-AH-bohl).

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In the word "syllable," the schwa vowel sound is represented by the "uh" sound in the unstressed first syllable, sounding like "suh-luh-bul."

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Q: What is the schwa vowel sound in the word syllable?
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Does the word angels have the schwa sound?

That is right; the second syllable is pronounced with a schwa.

Is portion a short vowel word?

No. In the word portion, the first syllable, por, has a caret O vowel sound (long O + R), and the second syllable, tion, has a weak vowel sound (technically, a schwa).

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The schwa vowel sound in "another" is typically pronounced as /ə/, which sounds like "uh" in American English. This unstressed and neutral sound is found in the second syllable of the word.

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"Afraid" does, in the first syllable. The schwa sound is basically anything that says "uh."

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Yes, the word "circle" has a short vowel sound, specifically the short i sound.

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Yes, "bicycle" is a long vowel word because the first syllable contains a long "i" sound.

Is afraid a word that has 2 schwa sounds?

No, the word "afraid" does not have two schwa sounds. It has one schwa sound, which is in the second syllable (-fraid).

What is the schwa vowel sound in challenge?

The schwa vowel sound in "challenge" is the short and unstressed "uh" sound. It is commonly represented by the symbol ǝ in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and is found in the second and last syllables of the word "challenge."

Does the word lotion have a long vowel sound in the first syllable?

Yes. The first O in lotioin has a long O sound. This is the same as in the rhyming word motion. The -tion syllable has a schwa sound (shun).

Is napkin a short vowel word?

Yes, "napkin" is a short vowel word because the letter "i" in "napkin" creates a short vowel sound, as in "a" in "cat" or "e" in "bed."

What is the schwa vowel sound in?

The schwa vowel sound is the most common vowel sound in English, represented by the symbol ə. It is a short and neutral sound, similar to the 'uh' sound in words like "sofa" or "banana."

Does resident have a short vowel sound?

Yes, the first syllable in the word "resident" has a short vowel sound.