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Hydroponics .

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The science of farming without soil is known as hydroponics. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using nutrient-rich water solutions instead of soil. This practice allows for more controlled growing conditions and efficient use of resources.

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Q: What is the science of farming without soil?
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How does agriculture and food science relate to plant and soil science?

Agriculture and food science rely on plant and soil science to understand how plants grow and interact with the soil to produce food. Plant and soil science provide the knowledge needed to optimize agricultural practices, improve crop yields, and ensure food safety and security. By studying plant and soil science, researchers can develop sustainable farming techniques and ways to enhance the nutritional value of crops.

What is farming called if you don't use soil?

Farming without soil is called hydroponics. It is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent instead of soil. It allows for controlled conditions that can optimize plant growth.

What is agronomy?

Agronomy is the science and practice of crop production and soil management. It involves studying plant genetics, soil composition, climate, and other factors to optimize crop yields and sustainability in agriculture. Agronomists work to improve farming practices and develop new technologies to enhance food production.

Is soil inexhaustable?

No, soil is not inexhaustible. Continuous farming without proper soil management practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and addition of organic matter can deplete soil of nutrients and reduce its productivity over time. It is important to practice sustainable farming methods to maintain healthy and fertile soil for the long term.

What is the purpose and value of soil classification in agricultural science?

Soil classification in agricultural science helps farmers to understand the fertility, drainage, and nutrient-holding capacity of their soil. This information allows for better crop selection, irrigation planning, and fertilization strategies, leading to improved yields and more sustainable farming practices.

Related questions

How does agriculture and food science relate to plant and soil science?

Agriculture and food science rely on plant and soil science to understand how plants grow and interact with the soil to produce food. Plant and soil science provide the knowledge needed to optimize agricultural practices, improve crop yields, and ensure food safety and security. By studying plant and soil science, researchers can develop sustainable farming techniques and ways to enhance the nutritional value of crops.

What is the definition of argriculture?

The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.

What do you call the study of farming?

The study of farming is called agriculture. It covers various aspects of farming practices, crop production, livestock management, soil science, and sustainable agriculture methods.

What is farming called if you don't use soil?

Farming without soil is called hydroponics. It is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent instead of soil. It allows for controlled conditions that can optimize plant growth.

What is the science of farming?

The science of farming is known as agronomy, which involves studying soil management, crop production, and sustainable agricultural practices to optimize crop yields and protect the environment. Agronomists use scientific principles to improve farming techniques, such as crop rotation, irrigation methods, and fertilization, to ensure efficient and sustainable food production.

What makes the soil in Indonesia good for farming?

The soil is good for farming because it is fertile

Why is the grasslands soil good for farming?

a grasslands soil is good for farming because it has no guantity of big or has rich soil

What is agronomy?

Agronomy is the science and practice of crop production and soil management. It involves studying plant genetics, soil composition, climate, and other factors to optimize crop yields and sustainability in agriculture. Agronomists work to improve farming practices and develop new technologies to enhance food production.

Does the soil of organic farming last longer than conventional farming soil?

In true organic farming, the soil is built up with organic matter, which means nutrients in the soil are replenished. In non-organic farming, fertilizers are used to replenish certain nutrients only, while other nutrients may be depleted. In that sense, soil (nutrients in the soil) last longer in organic farming.

Is soil inexhaustable?

No, soil is not inexhaustible. Continuous farming without proper soil management practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and addition of organic matter can deplete soil of nutrients and reduce its productivity over time. It is important to practice sustainable farming methods to maintain healthy and fertile soil for the long term.

What does agronomy entails?

It is the science of soil management, the cultivation of land and crop production. This will include irrigation, pesticides and herbicides. Rather like farming.

How is science used in farming?

People may use biology in farming, but for more look up agriculture (the science of farming)