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The science of taking measurements of planets from space is known as remote sensing. Remote sensing involves using satellites, spacecraft, or telescopes to collect data from a distance without physically touching the object being observed. This can include measuring various properties of a planet such as its temperature, composition, topography, and atmospheric conditions.

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Continue Learning about Natural Sciences

What is the interrelationship between earth science and astronomy?

Astronomy is planets and space earth science is about earth

Can you do a sciense project of planets?

Yes, a science project on planets can be a great idea. You could explore topics like the characteristics of different planets, their orbits, sizes, and composition. Consider creating a model of the solar system or analyzing data from space missions to present your findings.

What is the greatest benefit of space probes?

they help us find out about other planets by taking photos and collecting rock samples.

Which planets have the most space between them?

The planets that have the most space between them are mercury and Pluto.

Is astronomy considered chemistry?

No. It is a separate science, but there are a lot of aspects in it that do involve chemistry, like defining what elements are in the planets and stars and other objects in space.

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What is the interrelationship between earth science and astronomy?

Astronomy is planets and space earth science is about earth

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Examples of earth and space science?

Earth science examples include studying the Earth's atmosphere, climate, and geology. Space science examples include researching planets, stars, galaxies, and the universe as a whole.

How are astronomy and earth science different?

Astronomy is the study of stars, planets, and the other things in space, while earth science is the study of the Earth and its landscape.

Can you do a sciense project of planets?

Yes, a science project on planets can be a great idea. You could explore topics like the characteristics of different planets, their orbits, sizes, and composition. Consider creating a model of the solar system or analyzing data from space missions to present your findings.

What is the area of science that involves the study of planets and outer space?

Astronomy is the area of science that involves the study of planets, stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies in outer space. It encompasses a wide range of topics including the origins of the universe, the structure of galaxies, and the behavior of celestial objects.

What is the science of going into space?

The science of going into space is known as astronautics or space travel. It involves the study of spacecraft design, propulsion systems, orbital mechanics, and how to sustain life in the harsh environment of space. This field also includes the exploration of celestial bodies such as planets, moons, and asteroids.

How does it differ as a social science from the pure scinec?

social science is like social studies and science mixed and pure science is like about animals plants planets space how things work and stuff.. hope it helped! <-_->

Are space lines science fictional?

I am not entirely sure what you mean by space lines, but if you mean, spaceships that make regular trips to other planets, the way that ocean liners travel to other continents, then yes, they are science fictional.

Is astromony psudeoscience?

Astronomy is the study of the stars, planets, and other objects in space. It is science. Astrology however is pure fiction.

What is the branch of earth science that studies objects in space?

Astronomy is the branch of earth science that studies objects in space, such as stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe as a whole. It focuses on understanding the physical and chemical properties of celestial bodies and their interactions.

What is the greatest benefit of space probes?

they help us find out about other planets by taking photos and collecting rock samples.