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Dehydrated grape

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Q: What is the scientific name of raisin?
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What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Raisin moth?

The accepted scientific name is Cadra figulilella.

What is Russian name for Rubus alceifolius?

Scientific name: Rubus alceifoliusRussian name: Eжевика гиганскаяEnglish name: Giant brambleFrench name: Vigne maronne, Raisin marron

What is the name of the center of a raisin?

Thje outside of a raisin is the skin. The center or inside of a raisin can be called the 'meat' or 'fruit' of the raisin. Raisins may also be seedless or seeded.

What was his name known by?

Aqib Raisin.

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What marathi name of raisin?

It's kismis.

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What was the Africans name in raisin in the sun?

Joseph Asagai

What is the name of the bug that looks like a raisin?

A tick that has a soft shell can resemble a raisin. Engorged ticks, meaning ticks who have fed and are full of blood do not appear raisin shaped in appearance.

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What is Lena Younger maiden name in a raisin in the son?

Eggleston is Lena's maiden name.