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Q: What is the scientific name of shorea palosapis?
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Scientific name: Shorea cochinchinensis,French name: Meranti blanc d'Indochine,English name: Indochinese white meranti

What is the scientific name for the White Lauan tree?

It would be Shorea negrosensis. Family: Dipterocarpaceae.

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The name would be Intsia spp. Family: Leguminosae.

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The name would be Shorea spp. Family: Dipterocarpaceae.

What is the scientific name of the 'Lauan tree'?

Shorea spp is the scientific name of the lauan tree. The specific type of lauan tends to be red, whose scientific name therefore is Shorea teysmanniana. Its common name is Philippine mahogany even though its wood isn't mahogany.

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What is the scientific name for the Light Red Seraya tree?

The name would be Shorea spp. Family: Dipterocarpaceae.

What is the scientific name for the Dark Red Seraya tree?

The name would be Shorea spp. Family: Dipterocarpaceae.

What is English common name for Shorea cochinchinensis?

Scientific name: Shorea cochinchinensis,English name: Indochinese white meranti,Russian name: Cорея кохинхинская,Thai name: พะยอม,Vietnamese name: Sến cát, Sến mủ,Chinese name: 白柳桉

Scientific name of a mahogany?

Based on my research there is no scientific name for Philippine Mahogany. Generally, Mahoganies belong to the family Meliaceae.

How does shorea dispersed?

Shorea is dispersed by wind because of it's wing-like structures