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vacuum or void

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Q: What is the scientific term for a space that contains absolutely nothing not even air?
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What was important to stanislavski and strindberg in the creation of the physical space?

nothing....... absolutely nothing

What is the moon used for in space?

Absolutely nothing now. THANKS NIXON

Is vacuum a state of matter?

No. A vacuum is a point in space where there is literally nothing - no dust/oxygen/water particles. Ie. it contains absolutely no matter whatsoever, and therefore by definition, is not a state of matter.

What is space Empty space is made of what?

The emptiness of space is made of nothing -- absolutely nothing. There are various particles, chunks of rock, dust and gases, but they are made of matter. The space itself is just space. Lots and lots of space.

What is below and above the space?

According to present scientific knowledge there is nothing higher than space.

How did the launch of sputnik help create the internet?

it did absolutely nothing, it helped with the creation of the toilet in space

Do earthquakes have to do with astronomy?

absolutely nothing. astronomy has to do with outer space and planets. While earthquakes would be geology

What are the charachteristics of space?

Space contains vacuum (nothing). In a vacuum, nothing moves, not even atoms. Because of this, the temperature in space is 0 kelvins (-273.15 degrees celsius). Space is also continually expanding, therefore never ending.

Is pandorum the new dead space movie?

It has absolutely nothing to do with Dead Space. I assume you've already seen the Dead Space movie, but if you haven't, it's called Dead Space: Downfall.

What is beyond the expanding universe?

The universe contains space and time. "Outside" the universe, there would be no space or time, and without these, nothing can exist.

What is the space that contains nothing in art?

When drawing is it known as the "absence of line" that creates a feature in the drawing.

What does the outside portion of an atom contain?

I think the outside portion of the atom contains nothing. Its mainly empty space.