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Q: What is the second law of thermal dynamics?
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Why do biological organisms violate the law of thermal dynamics?

No biological entity violates any of the laws of thermodynamics.

What name is given for the transfer of thermal energy from areas of high thermal energy to areas of low thermal energy?

This is the second law of thermodynamics. This law states that heat naturally flows from higher temperatures to lower temperatures.

What is the transfer of thermal energy from warmer regions to cooler regions?

the second law of thermodynamics

What is thermal-dynamics?

Thermodynamic loss is about the same as saying 'cooling down'.

What is thermal dynamics?

Thermodynamic loss is about the same as saying 'cooling down'.

The law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be changed from one form to another?

the law of thermodynamics heat is engery and cannot be destroyed and heat is energy and does not dimminish but rises to the top. That's atleast 1 of the probably many answers you need to get the actual one

Why do you have a zeroth law of thermodynamics?

The "zeroeth" law defines thermal equilibrium. It also helps define the concept of temperature. Both of these are prerequisite assumptions and/or concepts that the first and second laws depend on.

What are the differences between kinematics and dynamics?

Kinematics does not take forces explicitly into account. Instead, kinematics works with the motion of objects (speed or velocity). Dynamics will take forces into account explicitly. Common examples of the two would be projectile motion of objects (constant acceleration equations) and Newtonian dynamics (Newtons three laws...the second law is the sum of the forces).

How does thermal energy travels from the sun to the earth?

Thermal energy travels through space in the form of electromagnetic waves in the low infrared (IR) spectrum. In the daytime, what you feel as warmth on your skin is IR. It is invisible and can only be felt, not seen; light can only be seen, not felt.

What was Sir Isaac Newton's theory on thermal dynamic energy?

Sir Isaac Newton did not speak directly to the laws of thermal dynamics but he did say "Energy is not lost or destroyed, it is merely transferred from on party to the next.''Which is similar to, the first law of thermodynamics. "The total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed. "

What substance is an anomaly to the law thermal expansion?


Does wind have thermal energy?

yes. everything has some thermal energy. Even liquid nitrogen has some thermal energy. Nothing can have no thermal energy, look at the 3rd law of thermodynamics.