

What is the secondary organs?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What is the secondary organs?
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Will progesterone develop secondary sexual organs at puberty in a female?

No, progesterone does not play a significant role in the development of secondary sexual organs in females during puberty. The primary hormones involved in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in females are estrogen and testosterone.

What are the three main functions of estrogen?

It maintains the menstruation cycle. It develops secondary sexual characteristics. It also develops sexual organs.

What is located in secondary organs and tissues?

Secondary organs and tissues, also known as peripheral organs, are found outside of the central nervous system. They include organs like the spleen, lymph nodes, and skin, as well as tissues such as muscle and connective tissue. These structures play important roles in the body's immune response and overall function.

What are the accessory reproductive organs of human male?

The primary sex organs of a male and female reproductive system are those that produce the gametes (egg for a female and sperm for a male) and the secondary sex organs for a female are uterine glands, uterus and the vagina. The male secondary sex organs are ducts, glands and the penis

What is a secondary organ to the digestive system?

All of it except the appendix. But you have to take care it

How was Thomas Beatie able to give birth?

Thomas Beatie did have gender reassignment surgery in 2002. His outward organs/secondary sex characteristics were changed. Removing the reproductive organs is not a necessity for transition.

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When cancer spreads, the new sites are called metastases.

What organs make up the lymphatic system?

Secondary lymphoid organs include the lymph nodes, spleen, and small masses of lymph tissue such as Peyer's patches, the appendix, tonsils, and selected regions of the body's mucosal surfaces (areas of the body lined with mucous membranes).

What female reproductive organ that produce hormones that develops in the secondary sex characteristic?

The ovaries are the female reproductive organs that produce hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These hormones play a role in the development of secondary sex characteristics like breast development and regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Can sclerodactyly cause Secondary vasculitis?

Yes, sclerodactyly, a condition characterized by thickening and tightening of the skin on the fingers, can sometimes be associated with secondary vasculitis. Vasculitis is inflammation of blood vessels, and it can occur as a complication of scleroderma, the condition that includes sclerodactyly as a symptom. This inflammation can affect blood flow to various organs and tissues, leading to complications.

Classification of organs of speech?

Organs of speech are classified into three main categories: Primary articulators: tongue and lips Secondary articulators: teeth, alveolar ridge (gum ridge), hard palate, velum (soft palate), and uvula Tertiary articulators: pharynx, larynx, and vocal folds

what lymphoid organ protect pharynx?

The pharynx is protected by the simplest lymphoid organ known as the tonsils. The tonsils are classified as secondary lymphoid organs, and contain follicles and have germinal centers.