

What is the secret code for the moshling called blurp?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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there isnt a secret code 4 him but u have 2 buy:

any moon, pink love and any love that is how u get Blurp on moshimonsters

add me Im pippapuppy3

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12y ago
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Q: What is the secret code for the moshling called blurp?
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What is the code for Blurp the moshling on Moshi Monsters?

There is no code for Blurp. You plant seeds in your Moshling Garden to get Blurp.043 Blurp the Batty Bubblefish [Fishies] any Moon Orchid, Pink Love Berries, any Love Berries

What is the code for Blurp?

here is the code for blurp the moshling......... purple moon, pink moon, black love!

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To get the Moshling Blingo, you have to buy a book called Busters Lost Moshlings. In that book will have a secret code, use that secret code when you log in.

How do you get the moshling blurp?

Blurp is part of the Fishies collection. To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out! The Secret Moshlings may require you to do something extra special to get them, such as find a secret code or complete a mission.

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You have to be a paid member to have a Moshling Zoo. No code is needed.

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1ns you have a moshling click on it and it wil do something

How do you get the 2 new secret mopod code for a moshling seed?

well will tell but need to be a member and add me to your freinds list i am called monstr fp then send the paswors and ill go on and get a secret moshling

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