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The country's legislative body passed the navigation acts.

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Q: What is the sentence for navigation and trade acts?
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How can you use navigation acts in a sentence?

The Navigation Acts were introduced by the English to eliminate Dutch competition in the shipping trade.

Whats the law that colonies trade had to be on English ships?

The Navigation Acts.

What are the navigation acts of the 1600's?

The two-fold objective of the Navigation Acts was to protect English shipping, and to secure a profit to the home country from the colonies. The acts were an outgrowth of mercantilism (an economic system based on developing a favorable balance of trade). The chief provisions were that no goods grown or manufactured in Asia, Africa or America should be transported to England except on English ships.The Navigation Act of 1660 forbade importing into or exporting from the British colonies any goods except in English or Colonial ships. It also forbade articles such as tobacco, sugar, cotton and indigo to be shipped to any country except England or some English plantation.The northern colonies produced many of the same kinds of goods that England produced and continued to do so well into the 19th century. As a result manufacturing there suffered from the trade laws. The southern colonies which raised crops such as tobacco and rice, which could not be grown in England, suffered far less. In spite of all efforts, the Navigation Acts could scarcely be enforced at all as colonists became lawbreakers. Smuggling was universal and it went on regardless of the courts that were established to prosecute smugglers. Courts were established in most of the colonies for this reason. The Navigation Acts were an economic and political blunder in the long run but for a time they provided England with the wealth and power it used to create a great empire. The trade acts not only made people lawbreakers, it made colonists hold Parliament in contempt, not able to enforce its own laws. The most significant result of the Navigation Acts upon American history was the stifling of colonial manufacturing and increased resentment against (and ultimate break from) the mother country, and one of the reasons leading to the American Revolution.

Negotiations in a sentence?

The trade negotiations have failed to produce a free trade agreement.

How do you use slave trade in a sentence?

A slave trade is the business of buying and selling people for profit

Related questions

How can you use navigation acts in a sentence?

The Navigation Acts were introduced by the English to eliminate Dutch competition in the shipping trade.

Navigation acts what is it?

Navigation acts is a series of laws. These series of acts restricted the use of foreign ships for trade between Britain and its colonies

What was taxed or what did it do to the colonists in the Navigation Acts?

The Navigation Acts was when the British raised the prices, and made it illegal for the colonies to trade with anyone but them.

What were the Navigation Acts designed to do?

The Navigation Acts were designed to restrict foreign shipping for trade between the colonies and England. The goal was to force the colonies to only trade with England.

What was the impact of Navigation Acts on trade in Europe?

The Navigation Acts were implemented by England to issue control over trade with and of its colonies. Its intention was to block trade with its colonies and the Netherlands, France, and other European countries.

What forced the colonies to trade only the England?

The Navigation Acts forced the colonists to trade with England and limited trade with other countries.

What did the navigation acts tighten Britain's control over?


What did the Navigation Acts tightened Britain's control over?


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Were the navigation acts meant to destroy spanish trade?


What was the name of the british laws that restricted trade trade to and the colonies?

The Navigation Acts.

How did the Navigation Acts control trade?

The Navigation Acts were created by England to restrict trade with its colonies. England wanted to stop trading between its colonies and other European countries such as France and the Netherlands.