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Q: What is the series of colour bands that are formed after light passes through a prism called?
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A range of colors formed when white light passes through a prism is called a?

spectrum :)

What affects the color of light?

if the light passes through something that is coloured the light changes colour to the colour that it passed through

Water passes through what cliffs formed by glaciers?

The Fjords

What is formed when radiation passes through matter?

heat and friction.

Which light composes seven colors?

white colour composes into seven colour when they passes through spectrum of prism

What colour refracts the most when a ray of light passes through a prism?


Is a rainbow formed when sunlight bends as it passes through raindrops?


What is the color of opaque and transparent?

"Opaque" and "transparent" refer to the amount of light that passes through the colour, not the colour itself. "Opaque" is a term used to describe any solid colour that light does not pass through. If you put an opaque colour it over another colour you will not see the colour below through it. "Transparent" is a term used to describe any colour that light passes through in any of many varying degrees. If you paint a transparent colour over another colour, you will be able, to some degree, to see the colour(s) and the ground (paper, canvas, whatever you are painting on) through the top coat.

How are mountain passes formed?

Mountain passes could have been formed by nature or by man. People would drill holes in the mountains for trains to travel through for example.

When sunlight passes through a prism what colour dispersed light bends the least?


What does the spectrum consists of?

a band of colors formed when white light passes through a prism.

Light that passes through an object is called?

Light usually passes through a transparent object. Similarly, light passes through the translucent objects but people cannot see through it.