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Helium usually is listed with the smallest atomic radius when calculated. Hydrogen however has a smaller van der Waals radius

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14y ago

Hydrogen, at around 120pm (pecometers).

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Q: What is the shortest atomic radius of an element?
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What is the atomic radius of the element nickel?

The atomic radius of nickel is about 135 picometers (pm).

How do you atomic radius of an element?

The atomic radius is calculated by spctroscopic or X-ray methods.

Which element has a smaller atomic radius bromine or gold?

The atomic radius of bromine is lower.

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Caesium atom has a larger atomic radius.

Which element has a larger atomic radius silicon or lead?

Lead has a larger atomic radius than silicon. This is because lead has more electron shells and thus a greater distance between the nucleus and the outermost electron compared to silicon.

What element has the smallest radius?

It is helium that has the smallest atomic radius. Use the link below to see a list of elements arranged by atomic radius.

What is the atomic radius of platinum?

The atomic radius of platinum is about 139 picometers (pm).

What is the element neon's atomic radius?

65 picometers.

What is the atomic radius of a chemical element?

The atomic radius, is the measured size of the atoms of a chemical element. Usually this is the typical distance between the nucleus and the boundary of the surrounding electrons.

Which element has the largest atomic radius out of fluorine chlorine or bromine?

Bromine is farther down the group and has more electron shells, making it an element with a lager atomic radius.

What is another word for atomic radius?

The other word for atomic radius includes the Van der Waals radius, ionic radius, and covalent radius. The atomic radius refers to half the distance between the nuclei of identical neighboring atoms in the solid form of an element.

What has an atomic radius of 099?

It is a difference between the empirical and the calculated atomic radius of an element; also all the values are only approximates. The empirical atomic radius of sulphur, phosphorous and chlorine is 100 pm. The calculated atomic radius of phosphorous is 98 pm.