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Jenne-jeno=one of the oldest "urbanized" civilizations.

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Q: What is the significance of jenne jeno?
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Jenne-Jeno is located in the nation of?

Jenne Jeno is located in Mali.

Where is Jenne Jeno located on the map?

Jenne-Jeno is located near the Chad Lakes, North of the Red Sea.

Why was Jenne Jeno so important?

cuz he was a human.

What year was jenne jeno an ancient African city discovered?

3rd century BCE

Did the jenne jeno have literature?

Yha ima doing a proj on jenne jeno too due this Thursday , so yah . looking it up when came across this so heres the best Link Icould find Good Luck... >;0 tyvm

How did the people of Jenne-Jeno adapt to the geography south of the Sahara?

they wore loose- light clothing

What artifacts suggest that people in Jenne-jeno lived near a river?

boats and fish bones

How did the location of jenne jeno lead to its becoming a large-busy city?

because it had a lot of good c:

How did the location of the jenne-jeno lead to its becoming a large busy city?

because it had a lot of good c:

What theory did the discovery of jenne-jeno prove wrong?

Cities did not exist in West Africa until outsiders came in.

How did the location of jenne jeno cause it to become a large busy city?

It was located at an ideal spot for farming, fishing and trade. The people of Jenne-jeno traded their surplus goods and many people came there to trade. The blacksmiths were very highly valued and people came to watch them work with iron.

How did the location of jenne-jeno lead to its becoming a large bussy city?

It was near the trading routes, also it had a lot of fertile land for farming and domesticating animals.