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Hugh Luettgen

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Q: What is the significance of mutation and repair of mutations to evolution of sexual reproduction?
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Evaluate the significance of mutations and repair of mutations to the evolution of sexual reproduction?

evaluate the significance of mutations and repairof mutations to the evolution of sexual reproduction

What changes in the number type or order of DNA bases?

Asexual reproduction

What is mutation and how is it related to evolution?

A mutation is any change in the DNA. Mutations provide the genetic variation that evolution by natural selection needs to select from.

What is a mutation and how does it relate to evolution?

A mutation is any change in the DNA. Mutations provide the genetic variation that evolution by natural selection needs to select from.

Are all mutation harmful?

Mutations that succeed [are beneficial] provide Evolution, so not at all.

Do spider monkeys have a mutation?

I believe that spider monkeys have mutations, but it does not affect them.

Explain the role of mutations in evolution?

Mutations are the material upon which natural selection acts. Evolution is a two sided coin. One side is mutation; the other side is natural selection. Without mutation there is no significant variation. Mutations are, however, ubiquitous. Every organism is a mutant. Evolution can be summarized as the non random survival of randomly varying replicators.

Is 'mutations are beneficial to organisms' a true statement about mutations?

Usually mutations have deleterious effects to the organism, but occasionally there are beneficial mutations. Such mutations drive evolution.

What effect does mutations have on variation?

genetic variation originates from mutations on which evolution depends on.

Why is sexual reproduction considered better from an evolutionary standpoint?

Sexual reproduction, as opposed to asexual reproduction, combines the genomes of two different individuals to create a new genome in the offspring. This new genome has the potential to include the beneficial (or detrimental) alleles (genes) from each individual, thus driving evolution. An individual which reproduces by asexual reproduction is restricted to evolution by mutation (or complicated mechanisms such as horizontal gene transfer but that's a much bigger issue). Mutation can be good or bad, either helping the organism adapt to the environment or worsening its ability to survive and reproduce, an asexual organism is stuck with the mutations it acquires. Sexually reproducing individuals can have mutations as well, but then those mutations that the offspring acquire may be balanced out, i.e. beneficial mutations are selected for, detrimental ones are selected against and then individuals with different beneficial mutations can bring such advantages together in their offspring. Put simply, sexual reproduction increases the evolvability of an organism.

Can mutation beneficial?

Yes mutations are the basis of evolution as they provide variance in the phenotype that could have evolutionary advantages

How do mutation get transferred to offspring?

DNA mutations can pass from parents to off spring only if the mutation occurs in the sex cells (eggs and sperm).