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The Sword in the mouth of the returning Christ is the Word of God. It is the most powerful of weapons and will destroy the armies of the world coming down the Jezreel Valley to attempt to destroy Jesus.

Jesus told us that we are to live by every word of God. The Holy Scriptures are the same as the Sword in the mouth of Jesus. The more one reads and studies them the stronger and closer to God they become.

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Q: What is the significance of sword from mouth from Jesus in revelation?
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What verses in the Bible deals with your mouth?

The term appears 303 times in the New International Version first in Genesis 4:11 as the ground opening it's mouth to receive the blood of the 1st human murdered - Abel. It ends in Revelation 19:15 with a sword coming out of the mouth of Jesus.

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The Bible states that Scripture (or 'the Word') is sharper than a two-edged sword; and also "...out of His mouth came a two-edged sword," (meaning the Word coming out of Christ's mouth), the latter verse being in the first chapter of the Revelation, and also other places. The former reference to the Word being the sword is in several places in the New Testament; while there are references to a two edged sword in the Old Testament, they are ostensibly an actual physical sword, although comparisons to the Word are virtually mandatory, even if not indicated by context, due to the Revelation if nothing else.

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No. Jesus told Peter to put away his sword when he was being arrested. Matthew 26:52 - "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."

What is the sword Jesus Christ?

The word

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stick a sword in ur mouth an hopefully yu live

What did Jesus mean when he said For all who take the sword will perish by the sword?

Matthew 26:52 [to Peter] "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."

There are only two forces in the world the sword and the spirit In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit what significance does this have to do with napoleon and the french?

There is no clear significance to that phrase. Napoleon gained its power by way of war, and lost it the same way.

Who said 'he who lives by the sword will die by the sword'?

Jesus said it. This phrase comes from Matthew 26:52 in the Bible.

What is the significance of the sword sent to Perseus in Clash of the Titans?

zeus was perseus father and he sent it to him

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He accepted it

What is meant for the sword devoureth one as well as another 2 Samuel 11v25?

Interesting and very difficult to put into x amount of letters.Answer:In this verse, King David is saying that a certain number of casualties are to be expected in war.ANSWER:To address this question, the first thing to be taken in consideration is the fact that the Bible is written mostly in parables. Then, next, what is the sword, from the divine prospective? As it is written in Isaiah 49v2 "..he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword. Also "I have slain them by the words of my mouth. Hosea 1v5. So, clearly the sword is the words of the mouth, that will defend the righteous against all forces of evil. Moreover, as it is also written, "..will fight against them with the sword of my mouth".Revelation 2v 17. In those regards it must , also be noted that, "That the mouth the hand with the twoedged sword, to execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishment upon the people to bind their (evil) king in chains, and their nobles with iron to execute upon them the judgment written. Psalms 149v6-9. Finally, those that the "Sword" devoureth are, as it is written, " The devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world was cast out along with his angels.Revelations 12 v 9.