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Q: What is the significance of the colours blue and gold the pharaohs wore in their headdress?
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Blue and red are the traditional colours of Paris, used on the city's coat of arms. Blue for St Martin and red for St Denis. White was added to the revolutionary colours after 1789 to 'nationalise the design'

Are pharaohs and rulers the same thing?

Where a ruler can be considered any one in power, not all rulers are Pharaohs. Just as blue is a color, but not all colors are blue, Pharaohs are rulers but not all rulers are pharaohs.

What does the color blue depict in Olympics?

The colour blue has no individual significance on the Olympic flag. It was chosen, as were alll the other colours, because at least one of them appears on each nations flag.

What is a khepresh?

A Khepresh is a headdress that was worn by the pharaohs of Egypt it was also called the blue crown or war crown it was only worn by the pharaoh in rihuals and battel. The one pharaoh that wore this crown the most was king akhenaten . The khepresh was made out of blue cloth or leather with small sun disk's on it with a cobra on the front

Do Freemasons have code of colors?

Colours do have some significance to Masons. The standard Lodge which confers the first three degrees of Masonry is called the "blue lodge" and is normally characterized by blue regalia and decor.

What are the main colours?

Do you mean the primary colours? The primary colours of pigment are red, blue, and yellow. The primary colours of light are red, blue, and green.

What are the colours in Google?

The colours of Google are Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Red

Are the solid colours the basic colours?

No because a solid colour is just a full colour like just plain blue nothing special like the colors baby blue and light blue. Basic colours are primary colours and primary colours are colours which you can mix like red, blue, green, yellow and so on.

Which colours are reflected from a blue jumper?


Why do blue jeans appear blue?

They Blue jeans aren't actually blue, they are all of the other colours, EXCEPT for blue. Since it is all the colours EXCEPT blue, it absorbs all of the other colours and reflects the blue from it, causing it to look blue. :3 I JUST WENT SCIENTIFIC.

Explain what is the significance of R O Y G B I V is?

They are the initial letters of the colours of the visible spectrum. Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

How colours affect heat loss?

blue blue blue