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Striated muscles are capable of rapid contraction and are particularly associated with voluntary movements of the skeleton.

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Q: What is the significance of the striations seen in skeletal muscle cells?
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How is cradiac similar to skeletal muscle?

Both types of muscles have striations in their cells for greater contraction. These striations are in the form of crossing and alternating light and dark bands.

What is the difference between skeletal and other muscles?

Skeletal muscle is voluntary muscle that moves bones. It has long cells with striations and it is sometimes called striated muscle. Smooth muscle is slow moving, and is not controlled by the mind. It is also has the same functional units as skeletal muscle but it is harder to see. The last is cardiac muscle. This also has striations but they are short rather than long. This muscle is said to be autorhythmic. Each cell can beat on its' own and as a group, they beat together.

What type of cells does the heart have?

The heart contains cardiac muscle cells. The cells are striated (the muscle fibers contain alternating light and dark bands). They differ from skeletal muscle in that it is an involuntary contraction, but they are similar in that they both have striations.

All muscle cells contain striations?


Cardiac muscle cells are like skeletal muscle cells in that?

Cardiac muscle cells are similar because they have striations which are strands of actin and myosin filaments. They also have mitochondria, transverse tubules, and sarcoplasmic reticulum.Cardiac muscle is different from skeletal muscle in that the muscle is branching, with intercalated dicks at the ends of them, store less calcium, the transverse tubules are larger, and their twitches are longer. Also, the entire cardiac muscle contracts as a whole, regulates itself, and is rhythmic.

Which muscle tissue shows no striations?

Smooth muscle Tissue have no striations. (there are 3 types of muscle tissue - Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth) Smooth propels substances along internal passageways involuntarily.

How cardiac muscle fibers differ from the fibrs of skeletal muscle?

Both cardiac and skeletal muscle cells are striated and contract by the sliding filament mechanism. However, cardiac muscles cells are short, fat, branched, and interconnected unlike the long, cylindrical, multinucleate of skeletal muscle fibers.

Do skeletal muscle cells have glycosomes?

Yes, skeletal muscle cells have glycosomes and myoglobin in their sarcoplasm.

What does it mean if a muscle is striated?

Striated muscle includes cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Skeletal muscle is between bones and is voluntarily controlled. Examples of skeletal muscle are the sternoclydomastoid, biceps, obicularis oris, rectus femoris, etc.

Is smooth muscle cells voluntary?

no, skeletal muscle cells are

Do skeletal muscle cells have one nucleus?

skeletal muscle cells have multiple nuclei in each cell.

Do smooth muscle cells lack striations?

Yes they do lack striations. They do not have striations because they do not have sarcomeres. Instead, smoothe muscle contracts as one unit through the use of electrical impulses.