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Tigers eye

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Q: What is the silicified variety of crocidolite called?
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What are the 3 most common asbestos?

The three main kinds of asbestos that have been used commercially are Amosite, Crocidolite, and Anthophilite.

What is Asbestos make up?

Asbestos is a naturally ocurring mineral. Other names are chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite and anthrophyllite.

Is asbestos biodegradable?

Asbestos is composed of non biodegradable minerals including chrysotile, crocidolite, and amosite. So, Asbestos is non-biodegradable and it is toxic.

What is the group name of asbestos?

Chrysotile asbestos (White) is a Serpentine, Amosite (Grunerite) (Brown asbestos, and Crocidolite (Blue) are Amphiboles

When was crocidolite banned?

Crocidolite, a form of asbestos, was banned in most countries in the late 1970s and early 1980s due to its known health hazards, particularly its link to mesothelioma, a type of cancer. It is now recognized as a prohibited substance due to its well-documented risks to human health.

Where is tiger eye metamorphic rock found?

Tiger's Eye, sometimes called crocidolite, is a form of quartz and can be found almost world-wide including Brazil, Russia, Japan, Scotland (UK) and SW Africa.

What is a regional variety of a language?

A regional variety of a language refers to the specific way that language is spoken in a particular region or area, including differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. These variations can result from historical, social, or geographical factors, and they contribute to the diverse and dynamic nature of language.

What does tygers eye the rock looks like?

Tiger's Eye is a form of quartz, a pseudomorph of the mineral crocidolite.

What is it called when a country has a lot of variety?

If you are referring to ethnic variety that is known as diversity.

What is a variety of animals called?

A large variety of animals in captivity would be a zoo or menagerie.

What is the variety of life found on Earth and the variations within species is called?

what is the variety of life found on Earth and the variations within species is called