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a shorter workday for workers

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Q: Similarities between the Knights of Labor with the American Federation of Labor?
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What issue crystallized the dispute between the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of War?

The eigth-hour workday

What way was the Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO) different from the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?

The CIO organized all workers within an industry.

Are there any similarities between Russian federation and soviet union?

Yes. They still basically have the same type of Government

What are the most significant similarities between the Chinese American and American?

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What did Samuel Gompers invent?

Samuel Gompers established the American Federation of Labor. Gompers was the best known spokesman for labor unions as well as the general class. He made speeches encouraging prosperity through cooperation between labor and businesses.

Compare and contrast the knights of labor and the American federation of labor in goals methods and achievements?

Two prominent differences between the two was the the Knights of Labor were much more of a secret society type group, while the AFL was a very formal federation of labor Unions. The other main difference was the the Knights of Labor were much more radical than the AFL, admitting unskilled workers, African Americans, and women, unlike the AFL.

What are some similarities between the American revolution and the twin towers?

alot of people died

What estate most supported the ideas of the enlightenment?

The middle class or bourgeoisie most supported the ideas of the Enlightenment. They valued reason, science, and individual rights, which were central themes of the Enlightenment movement. The middle class played a key role in spreading these ideas and challenging traditional authority during this period.

What is the similarities between the US and Cuba?

America and Cuba both have American currency.

Why did America intervened in the fight between Spain and Cuba?

America saw the similarities between the struggle in Cuba and the struggle they faced in the American Revolution. They felt a kinship to their cause.