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There are zero similarities between the two.

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Q: What is the similarities between imperialists and anti-imperialists?
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What is the similarities between the imperialists and anti-imperialists?

There are zero similarities between the two.

What is the differences between the imperialists and anti-imperialists debate over Philippines?

Imperialists believed in the US maintaining control over the Philippines to bring civilization and stability, while anti-imperialists argued against US expansionism and believed in self-determination for the Filipino people. Imperialists viewed the Philippines as a strategic asset and gateway to trade in the Pacific, while anti-imperialists saw it as a violation of American values and principles.

What is the differences between the imperialists and anti-imperialists?

Although there are plenty of differences, the main differing belief was over territorial expansion. The imperialists were all for it, thinking that it would help with the American market and the depressed economy from the Panic of 1893. The anti-imperialists argued that it went against our American democracy and was harmful to the territories we were trying to acquire.

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