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Although they arr very different in size, the egg and sperm cell are similar in that they are 'haploid'. Haploid means both the egg and sperm have only a single copy of each of the 23 chromosomes that 'normal' (somatic) cells have. Normal somatic cells have 46 chromosomes (2x23), whereas sperm and egg have 23. Combining one egg with one sperm generates a fertilised egg in which there are once again 46 chromosomes: 23 +23 (2 x Chromosome 1, 2 x chromosome 2, etc, all the way to the sex chromosomes X and Y, which are the 23 chromosomes.

Both egg cells and sperm cells are generated by a process of cell division called meiosis. In the case of the egg cells, the 46 maternal chromosomes will be teased apart to generate two cells in which there are only 23 chromosomes, while the same process happens to produce sperm cells: 46 paternal chromosomes are divided to give sperm cells with just a single copy of each of the 23. 'Normal' cell division is called mitosis, and this sees the 46 chromosomes, unaltered by the 'muddling up' of meiosis, duplicated in their entirety, such that just before mitosis, the undivided cell has 92 chromosomes! This cell is then split such that two new cells are generated, with (very neatly) 2x23 chromosomes being delivered to each of the 'daughter cells'.

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10y ago
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Sophie Goldman

Lvl 1
1y ago
I still got no answers about simalarities about egg ans sperm cells
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13y ago

The similarity is that both the sperm and the egg come from the human body.

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10y ago

Egg nucleus is somewhat bigger.Sperm nucleus is littler.

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Sophie Goldman

Lvl 2
1y ago

they both have 23 chromosomes each

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