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3mo ago

The simplest formula based on the given moles would be BaSO4 (barium sulfate). This is determined by dividing each mole value by the smallest mole value (0.080 mole), resulting in a ratio of 1 Ba : 1 S : 4 O, which corresponds to BaSO4.

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Q: What is the simplest formula for 0.080 mole Ba and 0.080 mole S and 0.320 mole O?
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What is the simplest formula fro the compound 0.200 mole Al and 0.600 mole Cl -?

The simplest formula for the compound formed by 0.200 mole of aluminum (Al) and 0.600 mole of chlorine (Cl) is AlCl3, which is aluminum chloride. The ratio of Al to Cl in the compound is 1:3, leading to the formula AlCl3.

What formula gives the lowest whole-number ratio of moles of atoms in a mole of molecules?

The formula that gives the lowest whole-number ratio of moles of atoms in a mole of molecules is the empirical formula. This formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound. It is determined based on the elemental composition of the compound.

Which formula of a compound has the smallest whole-number mole ratio of elements?

The compound with the smallest whole-number mole ratio of elements can be determined from its empirical formula, which represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in the compound. To find this, divide each element's molar amount by the smallest molar amount present in the compound.

What is the maximum number of formula units of NaCl in one mole?

The maximum number of formula units of NaCl in one mole is 6.022 x 10^23, which is Avogadro's number. This means that in one mole of NaCl, there are 6.022 x 10^23 formula units of NaCl.

How many mole of nitrate ion in one mole of potassium nitrate?

There is one mole of nitrate ion in one mole of potassium nitrate. This is because potassium nitrate has the chemical formula KNO3, which contains one nitrate ion (NO3-) per formula unit.

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The simplest formula for the compound formed by 0.200 mole of aluminum (Al) and 0.600 mole of chlorine (Cl) is AlCl3, which is aluminum chloride. The ratio of Al to Cl in the compound is 1:3, leading to the formula AlCl3.

What formula gives the lowest whole-number ratio of moles of atoms in a mole of molecules?

The formula that gives the lowest whole-number ratio of moles of atoms in a mole of molecules is the empirical formula. This formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound. It is determined based on the elemental composition of the compound.

Which formula of a compound has the smallest whole-number mole ratio of elements?

The compound with the smallest whole-number mole ratio of elements can be determined from its empirical formula, which represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in the compound. To find this, divide each element's molar amount by the smallest molar amount present in the compound.

Which has more formula units 1 mole of sugar or 1 mole of salt?

They have the same number. One mole always represents 6.02x1023 formula units

What is Another name for formula units?

A formula unit can also be referred to a mole unit. A mole or formula unit is the smallest amount of a substance that contains all the atoms or elements of a substance.

What is the formula mass of nitrogen hydride?

Nitrogen hydride has the chemical formula of NH3 The gram formula mass of nitrogen is approximately 14.0 g/mole & the gram formula mass of hydrogen is approximately 1.0 g/mole In the chemical formula, you have 1 nitrogen atom and 3 hydrogen atoms 14.0 + 1.0 + 1.0 + 1.0 = 17.0 g/mole

What is the maximum number of formula units of NaCl in one mole?

The maximum number of formula units of NaCl in one mole is 6.022 x 10^23, which is Avogadro's number. This means that in one mole of NaCl, there are 6.022 x 10^23 formula units of NaCl.

What is the empirical for a compound which contains 00130 mole C 0390 mole H and 0065 mole O?

You probably meant to write 0.00390 mole H and not 0.0390 mole H. In that case the empirical formula is CH3O5

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The mass of a mole of an ionic compound.

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This depends on the chemical formula of the compound.

What is the empirical formula of a compound whose composition by mass is 50 percent sulfur and 50 percent oxygen?

The empirical formula for a compound with 50% sulfur and 50% oxygen by mass is SO₂. This formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in the compound.

How many moles of iodine are in one mole?

Two moles of iodine are present in one mole of molecular iodine (I_2), which is the formula unit for iodine.