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Q: What is the singular possessive of audience?
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What is the possessive of Audience?

The singular possessive is audience's.

What is the singular possessive to audiences' reaction?

The correct spelling of the singular noun is audience (one audience).The correct singular possessive form is audience's.Example: The audience's reaction made the singer smile.

What is the singular possessive for audiences?

The singular noun is audience.The singular possessive form is audience's.Example: The audience's reaction was enthusiastic.

what is the correct singular possessive case king's rights or audiences' reaction?

The singular king's rights is the correct singular possessive form.The audience's reaction is the correct singular possessive form.

Is audiences' reaction singular possessive case?

No, the form audiences' is the possessive form of the plural noun audiences.The singular possessive form is audience's.

Is audiences' reaction an example of the singular possessive case?

No, the possessive noun audiences' is the plural possessive form.The singular noun is audience.The singular possessive form is audience's.Examples:The audience's reaction was enthusiastic. (singular possessive)All of his audiences' reactions are enthusiastic. (plural possessive)

Which one of the following is a correct example of the singular possessive case who's job audience's reaction king's rights women's club?

The correct singular possessive nouns are:audience's reaction (the reaction of one audience)king's rights (the rights of a king)

Which is the correct verb for the following sentence The AUDIENCE claps or clap to show its appreciation?

The correct verb is claps, the subject noun 'audience' is a singular noun (one audience). Notice that the singular possessive adjective 'its' is used to describe the appreciation of the audience.

Is quantum singular or singular possessive?

Quantum is singular, not singular possessive. The singular possessive form is quantum's.

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Museum is singular. Museum's is singular possessive. Museums is plural. Museums' is plural possessive.

Which are the singular possessive pronouns?

The singular possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, and its. The singular possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, and its.

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The singular possessive of dish is dish's