

How big is a mosquito?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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I'm almost positive that most mosquitoes are very similar in size and only vary a little bit. What I believe the last poster was referring to was a Crane Fly which is often confused with a mosquito. Crane Flies are harmless, the only thing they enjoy doing is swarming lights and dive-bombing your face while you're trying to sleep.

Previous answer by another user: Yesterday I saw a very big mosquito at my flat. They come up fr the sink pipe and It was 2cm big. that's the biggest one i've seen so far. :(

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13y ago
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14y ago

My sister thinks it's female I think it's male because female mosquitoes are generally 2-5 inches and I think the males are much bigger.

Answer: If what you're seeing is larger than .6 inches, or 16 mm, then it most likely is NOT a mosquito at all. No mosquito gets that large. What you were looking at is probably a "mosquito-eater" or "crane fly." Mosquitoes don't differ much in size between sexes. The easiest way to tell the difference between males and females is whether or not it tries to land on you. Only female mosquitoes bite.

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9y ago

Although there are differences between male and female mosquitoes, those are mainly noticeable when observed through a microscope, since there are not considerable difference in size between the sexes.

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12y ago

They are usually no bigger than the point of a marker. But in some cases, they can be as small as a speck of dust or so large that the can cover your whole thumb. It really all depends on the species, gender of the mosquito, and what stage it is during its life. Females are usually larger.

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16y ago

about 2 to5 centimetersabout 2 to5 centimeters

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15y ago

8000000000000000 km. (hahaha)

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12y ago

About 1/40 inch in length, and are dark brown or black when ready to hatch.

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My dick size

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usually about 1 centimeter

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