

Best Answer

About 300 pounds to be exact. Wow! would'nt want to bump heads with this animal! haha! get it? "bump heads". haha!About 300 pounds to be exact. Wow! would'nt want to bump heads with this animal! haha! get it? "bump heads". haha!

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Q: What is the skull size of a liger?
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Who is stronger a liger or tiger?

a Liger is stronger due to its size, weight, and overall life form.

What is the birth size of a liger?

I am not too sure, but i do know they can grow to an infinite size until they die

What joint does not bend?

Suture joints are practically immovable joints. You can find them in case of skull. They are there in case of skull, probably to allow the growth of individual bone, in order to increase the size of skull. With out joints, it would be very difficult to increase the size of the skull.

Who would win in a fight liger or a tiger?

ofcourse a liger

What is stronger tiger or liger?

A liger is would be stronger because it has the strength and size of the tiger and the lion combined. So a liger is definitely stronger.

What is the size of a saber-toothed tigers skull?

The longest Tiger skull ever measured was 1'10".

What is stronger lion or liger?


What is a liger's diet?

What is a liger's habitat?

Why is a liger bigger than a tiger?

yes.this hybrid can weigh 900 pounds or more.

Do you have a picture of a liger?

here's a baby liger :)

How big is your skull?

I do not have a physical form, so I do not have a skull.

Can a liger kill an animal x2 its size?

It depends on the animal. Some very easily, others probably never.