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Q: What is the sloths body temperature?
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What temperature do sloths live in?

i think sloths only live in forests

What body parts do two toed sloths use?

their arms and body

What do giant sloths look like?

giant sloths have a round body and sloped neck and a brown coat [fur] and large claws

How are sloths bodies shaped?

Sloths are medium-sized mammals. Sloths have short, flat heads, big eyes; short snouts, long legs, and tiny ears. Their bodies are between 50 and 60-centimeters long.

What shape is a sloths body?

A sloths body is a sort of oval shape and then its head sort of points inwards it has four arms which are like sausages and stick out of the body i hope thins helps if it doesnt just search for a pictures of a sloth and you will get a shape

What do sloths need to survive?

Sloths need leaves and water to survive. They need to be in a very warm climate to survive because there body temperatures are very low.

Why sloths crawl instead of walk?

Sloths crawl instead of walk because it's much easier than it is for them to walk, because they have an unique body structure unlike we humans do.

What type of sloths live in jungles?

Tree sloths, Three-Toed Sloths, and Green Sloths are the most prominent sloths in the Amazon Jungle. Other sloths also but mostly those sloths in jungles

What do ground sloths and modern sloths have in common?

there both sloths

How kids can help the three-toed sloths?

There are some petition sites to tell people to help the three toed sloths but hardly any body knows because they don't search up.

What types of sloths are their?

What types of sloths are their

What is the population of sloths?

565 sloths