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Each one is called a vertebra.

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Q: What is the small bones of a spinal column called?
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What are the small bones of the spinal column called?


What bones protect the nervous system?

The small bones that protect the nerve cord are the vertebrae.

The 33 small bones of the spinal column?

The vertebral column usually consists of 33 vertebrae: 24presacral vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar) followed by the sacrum (5 fused sacral vertebrae) and the coccyx (4 frequently fused coccygeal vertebrae).

What are the small bones of the spine?

The spine, also known as the vertebral column or spinal column, is a column of 26 bones in an adult body – 24 separate vertebrae interspaced with cartilage, and then additionally the sacrum and coccyx.

What is the column at the back of the body?

The spinal column is a series small bones that helps support the body and surrounds the spinal cord which has nerve links from the cord to various parts of the body and leading back to the brain.

What part of your body has set of bones stacked on top of one another?

The spine (vertebral column, spinal column, backbone) is made up of small vertebrae stacked on top of each other.

What is the small bone located at the base of the spinal column?


What are vertebrae and what is their function?

A vertebrae are bones in the spinal column (also called spine or backbone)The function of the spinal column is to protect the soft spinal cord and to support the body and hold the head upright.Plural for vertebra. Bony segments forming the human spinal column.31-33 total vertebrae (most adults have 33 total vertebrae)Cervical vertebrae (C1-C7): 7Thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12): 12Lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5): 5Sacral vertebrae (S1-S5): 5Coccygeal vertebrae: 3-5IT IS THE SMALL BONES THAT FORM THE SPINAL CORDvertebrae i a series of bones to make up the spine. A vertabrae is an animal with a back bone. There are five classes of vertabrae: amphibeans, birds, fish, mamals, and reptiles.

Why is the spinal column many small bones instead of a long one?

it will break into smaller bones if you were to bend over so hats why and my mom is making me seven up cake today 10-25-10 5:45

What units stacked on top of one another make up The spinal column?

The spinal column is made of many small vertebrae stacked one upon another. These protect the spinal cord that runs through them.

What is the name of the spin bone?

The spinal column consists of 33 irregular bones called vertebrae. Starting from the neck, there are seven cervical vertebrae. The first two vertebrae have specific names and are called the atlas and axis respectively. The next 12 vertebrae are called thoracic vertebrae, followed by five lumbar vertebrae, which are the largest of the spinal bones. Next, there are approximately five sacral vertebrae that are separate from each other as a young child, but fuse together as one bone called the sacrum in adults. Finally, the coccyx, more commonly called the tailbone, consists of 3-5 small bones that fuse together in adults.

Where in the human skeleton are the long bones found?

The short bones are compact bones, spongy bones, femur bones and finally spinal cord. Thanks... hope you find this useful! :) correct answer: the backbone(vertebral column)is not the longest bone in the body.The backbone is actually 33 small bones joined.They protect the spinal cord.The longest bone in the skeleton is found in the thigh and the smallest is found in the ear.