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Q: What is the smallest division of a voting district and is the actual place where a person goes to vote in an election?
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Where it goes on for ever and there is no actual answer :)

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12 is the actual area code for the Makindye division County.

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The Rubaga division County actual area code is 12.

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12 is the actual area code for the Nakawa division County.

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The actual election where candidates of opposing parties run against each other for a particular office?

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12 is the actual area code for the Kampala Central Division County.

What are quaifications for serving in Iowa senate?

To serve in the Iowa Senate a person must be at least 25 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and shall have been an inhabitant of one year next prior to election, and at the time of his election shall have had an actual residence of sixty days in the county, or district he may have been chosen to represent.

What date is election day?

The actual date varies but it is always on a Tuesday.