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Q: What is the smallest particle that can be seen by the naked eye through a microscope?
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What Is the smallest fish that can be seen by the naked eye?

Aphid fish are the smallest type of fish that can be seen by the naked eye (bare eye-no glasses or microscope).

Can we observe cells with our naked eye?

NO, only through Microscope

Can you see a 200 micron particle?

A 20 micron particle is not visible with the naked eye. The smallest particle visible to the naked eye is 40 microns. To give you some perspective, a piece of hair's width can range from 40 to 120 microns.

Can you see particles in a colloid with a microscope?

suspension particles can be seen through a microscope

How much is reslution power of electron microscop to naked eye?

The resolution of an electron microscope is thousands of times greater than that of the naked eye. It is capable of allowing even the smallest particles to be seen by humans.

Can you see particles with a microscope?

Yes You Can! It can be seen through microscope but it can't be seen through naked eyes because it is way too small to see because there are hundreds of particles in a single strand of your hair. So it is completely impossible to see with the naked eye.

Which organisms can only be seen with microscope?

Any organism that is too small to be seen by the naked eye must be seen through a microscope. These small organisms are called microorganisms. Bacteria and spermatozoa are examples of microorganisms that we can only view through a microscope.

What invention did matthias schleiden make?

I read that he invented the microscope to view cells because you can not see them through the naked eye

What was invented by using a microscope?

Nothing was really invented by using a microscope, only "found out". I don't know if this is what you meant, but cells, molecules, atoms, and any small particle too little to see with the naked human eye were found out, though they were probably already there. Hope it helped :)

Can you see cells with your eyes?

Not with the naked eye, but with a microscope.

Why was the invention of the compound microscope important?

the importance of a microscope is you can see better than the naked eye!

How does the microscope help in the scientists?

Microscope helps the scientists by magnifying the objects which are not visible to naked eye.