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A molecule. One molecule of salt consists of one atom each of Sodium and Chlorine.

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7y ago

It would be a molecule.

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Q: What is the smallest unit of salt that is still salt an atom or a molecule?
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What do you call the smallest particles that still tasted like salt?

molecule :D

Name the elements that are in table salt?

One atom sodium and one atom chlorine in each salt molecule.

Is salt a molecule or atom?

Neither. Table salt is an ionic compound.

What is the chemically make-up of salt?

A salt molecule has one sodium atom and one chlorine atom, NaCl.

What will happen when you finally divide a single molecule of salt?

When you divide a single molecule of salt, you will end up with its constituent atoms - one sodium atom and one chlorine atom. Since sodium and chlorine form an ionic bond when combined, they will separate into their individual forms, losing their ionic bond properties.

Would it be correct to call NaCl salt a molecule?

Yes. A molecule consists of a number of atoms bonded together, NaCl is one atom of Sodium and one atom of Chlorine. However, a crystal of table salt will contain many molecules of NaCl.

In an aqueous solution of an ionic salt the oxygen atom of the water molecule is attracted to?

It is attracted to the cation.

Is neutralization reaction called displacements reaction?

No. A neutralization reaction is one in which an acid reacts with a base to form a salt and water. A displacement reaction is one in which one atom or molecule is replaced by another atom or molecule.

What is the atomic mass of salt?

The atomic mass of salt, which is primarily made up of sodium chloride (NaCl), is the sum of the atomic masses of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). The atomic mass of sodium is approximately 23 g/mol and the atomic mass of chlorine is approximately 35.5 g/mol. Therefore, the atomic mass of salt (NaCl) is approximately 58.5 g/mol.

Why is molecule the smallest part of salt?

Salt = NaCl If you go any smaller you would need to break it apart into its two atoms: Na = Sodium and Cl = Chlorine.

Is there the same number of atoms in a molecule of salt as in a molecule of oxygen gas?

Yes, NaCl and O2 both are molecules that are comprised or composed of two atoms.Mono-atomic Oxygen is not a molecule. It is an element, or a single atom.A molecule is defined as having two or more atoms bonded together. Di-atomic Oxygen gas (O2) is constructed from two atoms of oxygen.In a sodium salt molecule the chemical formula is NaCl, or one atom of chlorine covalently bonded with one atom of sodium. A calcium salt is CaCl2.So, mono-atomic oxygen does not have the same amount of atoms as salt but oxygen gas does.

How are sodium and chlorine ions different from salt molecules?

A sodium ion is a sodium atom missing one electron. A chlorine ion is a chlorine atom with an extra electron. A salt molecule is a sodium ion stuck to a chlorine ion.