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arrector pili muscle

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Q: What is the smooth muscle that causes your hair to stand up?
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What muscle causes your hair to stand on end?

The arrector pili muscles makes the hairs on your arm stand on end.

What is arrector pilli muscle?

tiny muscle fibers attached to each hair follicle, which contract to make the hairs stand on end, causing goose bumps.

What is a sac from which hair grows?

The root is part of hair embedded in the follicle in dermis. It has an attached smooth muscle which can contract causing the hair to stand up right. This causes the skin to form a slight bump which we call a 'goose bump'.

What does a piloerector muscle do?

It causes erection of hair when stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system.

Muscle associated with a hair follicle that cause the hair to stand on end when contracted is?

Piloerector Muscle

Muscle responsible for making hair stand on end?

Piloerector Muscle

What is a bundle of smooth muscle cells attached to hair follicles?

arrector pili.

What is the name of the muscle attached to the hair follicle?

The root of each hair follicle is connected to the small arrector pili muscles are small muscles attached to hair follicles in mammals. Each arrector pili muscle has a bundle of smooth muscle fibers which attach to the follicular units which have nerves.

What is hair erector muscle in role temperature?

Makes the hair follicle stand upright

What make your hair stand on end?

Arrector Pili Muscle

What in the dermis is connected to the hair follicles and please answer because its due tomorrow?

Two things really. One is a sebaceous (oil) gland to lubricate the hair follicle. The second is a smooth muscle called the arrector pili which is what can make your hair stand on end when your cold or scared.

What causes hair on skin to stand up?

If you have goosebumps