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In Embedded Systems (such as most electronic equipment in the home) the software code is fixed and can not be changed/updated by the user. The software would be commands such as "if the operator pushes this button, change to the next DVD".

The software resides in ROM (Read-Only Memory). This memory is an electronic chip which does not lose its memory when the power is turned off. The software is actually developed using a regular computer (so the developer can change/update the software at will), but at the factory, when your device is being manufactured, the code is downloaded into the chip.

This is contrasted with temporary memory. For example if you set your microwave for 10 seconds and then unplug the microwave, that setting will be lost.

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Q: What is the software embedded in ROM?
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What do you call software embedded in ROM?


What is a Rom software?

ROM stands for Read Only Memory, so software that is ROM, can only be opened, and not changed.

Where could one find an embedded program online?

One can find an embedded program or software online at various websites. One can find embedded software online at websites such as Oracle and Embedded Software Store.

An embedded operating system resides on what chip?

A ROM chip

Is ROM a hardware or software?

ROM isn't really hardware or software. ROM is Read Only Memory, which could be software or hardware. Software can be read only memory if made that way, and so could hardware.

State the storage medium used by an embedded system?

On a ROM chip.

What systems completely stored within rom memory?

embedded OS

Is a laser printer a hardware or software?

It is a software driven hardware device. Part of the laser printer hardware is an embedded computer (a computer that the user is usually not aware of) that runs the printer mechanism control software stored in ROM (software stored in ROM is usually called firmware, because it cannot be changed as easily as software stored in RAM). This printer mechanism control software coordinates the functions of all the hardware mechanism of the printer and is much smaller than custom designed logic circuits that would do the same thing without an embedded computer.

Is a CD ROM a hardware or a software?

Software Boye , Dn

What are the advantages of c over c?

Embedded c deals with MicroControllers,IO Ports( Ram, Rom). where as C deals with only memory, operatingSystems. C is a desktop programming language. for embedded a piece of software code is implemented into the hardware for its functioning which should supports pre-emption, low latency etc.

Why are RAM and ROM software?

ram is random access memory and ROM is read only memory

What is better CD-rom or DVD-rom software?

Kind of a tricky question. Analysis: you typed ROM Software. What is it you are trying to do. DVD ROM software will do you no good for a CD and vice versa. Additional Info: A DVD will hold at least 4.7GB. A CD will hold only 700MB. Since you stated ROM, I can only deduce that you are not trying to store information, but rather READ from the device.