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Water is the solvent i don't the other one

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3mo ago

In pure liquid honey, the solvent is water and the solute is a mixture of sugars, such as glucose and fructose, along with other minor components like amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. Honey typically contains about 17-20% water and 80-83% sugars.

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How can a solvent be separated from a solute by distillation?

The solvent is collected as it is boiled off.

A solute makes the freezing point of a solution lower than the freezing point of the pure solvent because?

the solute disrupts the formation of regular crystal lattice structures in the solvent, making it more difficult for the solvent molecules to arrange into a solid phase. This interference lowers the energy required for freezing to occur, resulting in a lower freezing point for the solution compared to the pure solvent.

The solute molecules mixed with the solvent molecules in a solution cause the of a solution to be higher than it is for an equal volume of pure solvent?

The presence of solute particles disrupts the arrangement of solvent molecules, making it harder for solvent molecules to escape from the solution. As a result, the vapor pressure of the solution is lower than that of the pure solvent because there are fewer solvent molecules at the surface to evaporate.

What will adding solute to pure solvents cause?

Adding solute to pure solvents will cause the solute to dissolve in the solvent, forming a solution. This process can alter the properties of the solvent, such as its boiling point, freezing point, and osmotic pressure, depending on the amount and nature of the solute added.

How does adding a solute affect the vapor pressure?

Adding a solute to a solvent lowers the vapor pressure of the solution compared to the pure solvent. This is due to the solute molecules occupying some of the surface area that would have been available for solvent molecules to evaporate. As a result, fewer solvent molecules are able to escape into the gas phase, leading to a decrease in vapor pressure.

Related questions

What is the solvent and solute in liquid nitrogen?

There is neither a solvent nor solute in liquid nitrogen as it is not a solution. Liquid nitrogen is pure elementalnitrogen in liquid form.

How can a solvent be separated from a solute by distillation?

The solvent is collected as it is boiled off.

How do you obtain a pure solvent from a solution by distillation?

To obtain a pure solvent from a solution by distillation, heat the solution in a distillation apparatus. The solvent will evaporate first due to its lower boiling point, leaving behind the solute. The vapor is then condensed back into liquid form, resulting in a pure solvent separate from the solute.

What is the differentiate of solution and a pure liquid?

A solution is a mixture of solvent which is larger in quantity and of one or more solute which is smaller in quantity like e.g. sugar or salt in water, where sugar or salt are solute and water is solvent and when they mix it form solution. A pure liquid is one which do not contain any other particle except itself like e.g. water without impurities or solute particles (known as distill water) is pure liquid

A solute makes the freezing point of a solution lower than the freezing point of the pure solvent because?

the solute disrupts the formation of regular crystal lattice structures in the solvent, making it more difficult for the solvent molecules to arrange into a solid phase. This interference lowers the energy required for freezing to occur, resulting in a lower freezing point for the solution compared to the pure solvent.

The solute molecules mixed with the solvent molecules in a solution cause the of a solution to be higher than it is for an equal volume of pure solvent?

The presence of solute particles disrupts the arrangement of solvent molecules, making it harder for solvent molecules to escape from the solution. As a result, the vapor pressure of the solution is lower than that of the pure solvent because there are fewer solvent molecules at the surface to evaporate.

Why is it when a solute is added to a pure liquid the boiling point increases and the freezing point decreases?

Adding a solute to a pure liquid disrupts the liquid's ability to form organized structures, which raises the boiling point. This disruption also makes it harder for the liquid to freeze, lowering the freezing point.

What will adding solute to pure solvents cause?

Adding solute to pure solvents will cause the solute to dissolve in the solvent, forming a solution. This process can alter the properties of the solvent, such as its boiling point, freezing point, and osmotic pressure, depending on the amount and nature of the solute added.

What is the molarity of pure liquid benzene?

The molarity of pure liquid benzene is not applicable because molarity is a measure of the concentration of a solute in a solution. Since pure liquid benzene is not a solution but a pure substance, it does not have a molarity.

How does adding a solute affect the vapor pressure?

Adding a solute to a solvent lowers the vapor pressure of the solution compared to the pure solvent. This is due to the solute molecules occupying some of the surface area that would have been available for solvent molecules to evaporate. As a result, fewer solvent molecules are able to escape into the gas phase, leading to a decrease in vapor pressure.

Is copper solute or solvent?

No. Copper is an element.

What 2 solute molecules mixed with the solvent molecules in a solution cause the freezing point of a solution to be than it is for an equal volume of pure?

Adding solute molecules such as salt or sugar to a solvent like water will lower the freezing point of the solution compared to the pure solvent. This occurs because the presence of these solute molecules disrupts the regular arrangement of solvent molecules, making it more difficult for the solvent to freeze.