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Q: What is the song in the beginning of part 5 in legally blonde?
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Can you get Legally Blonde sheet music?

Yes, if you had a song you wanted the sheet music for you could search it on google: eg. So Much Better LEGALLY Blonde Sheet Music Or a certain instrument eg. So Much Better LEGALLY Blonde Piano If you wanted songs from the movie: eg. Perfect Day By Hoku Sheet music eg. Perfect Day By Hoku Piano ^You'd have to find out who performed the song (you could look on the legally blonde soundtrack on itunes and it tells you who performs them) If you wanted songs from the musical there is a book with sheet music for the songs: score and sheet music book Just look on the legally blonde the musical website and click on Elle's Boutique and then click music and you could buy it. Also if you go to the musical you could buy it there. Hope this helped! xx

Does Gwen Stefani have a song called 'As a Blonde'?

No Gwen Stefani did not have a song called as a blonde

Is there a song like Celtic Moods on Legally Blonde?

Prior to the song 'Ireland' sung by Paulette, she puts a CD in and says "Isn't this relaxing? It's called CELTIC MOODS!", so I assume that is what you are thinking of.

What is the order of the songs in legally blonde the musical?

Oh my god serious what you want harvard variations blood in the water positive ireland ireland reprise serious reprise chip on my shoulder so much better act2 whipped in to shape take it like a man bend and snap there! right ther! (gay or european) legally blonde legally blonde remix scene of the crime find my way bows music finale/goodbye song

Did george strait son sing part of heartland SONG?

Yes, he does. He sings at the beginning of the song.

If I Cut a part of a Song off Can I Upload it on Youtube Legally?

As long as you fully own the copy write of that song you can do whatever you want with it.

Grey's Anatomy crash into me part two beginning song?

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Why does justin bieber say mafia in the beginning of a song?

because he is part of the mafia

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Everybody must get stoned is in what Bob Dylan song?

The song, which is actually called "Rainy Day Women #12 and 35", is on the album Blonde On Blonde.

What song is played in the opening scene of the movie Legally Blonde?

There is the song "Perfect Day" by Hoku. There are several songs by Samantha Mumba, like "Baby, Come On Over" and "Don't Need You To (Tell Me I'm Pretty)".

What band performs the song Bloodletting 'the Vampire Song'?

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