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The source of energy for almost all life on Earth would be the sun, as it gives society today the much needed power in order to operate electricity and other forms of technology sought after to survive.

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1w ago

The source of energy for almost all life on Earth is called the sun. Through a process called photosynthesis, plants and other organisms convert sunlight into energy that fuels their biological processes.

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13y ago

The Sun

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12y ago

The sun.

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14y ago

The sun.

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Q: What is the source of energy for almost all life on earth is called?
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What is the energy source for almost all life on Earth?

Almost all energy originates with the Sun.

Ultimate source of almost all the energy on earth?

the sun

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The sun

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For us here on Earth, the prime source of energy is the Sun.


Because almost ALL sources of energy on Earth derived originally from sunlight. (Exceptions are gravity sources [earthquakes] and thermal vents.]

Why the sun called the primary source of energy?

Because almost ALL sources of energy on Earth derived originally from sunlight. (Exceptions are gravity sources [earthquakes] and thermal vents.]

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Sun is the original source of energy that drives photosynthesis, climate, wind, almost everything on Earth.

Why is the sun considered the source of almost all the energy on earth?

Without the Sun, the Earth would be a lifeless, cold, dark, planet. The Sun provides thermal and radiant energy for the Earth.

What is the source of almost all energy of the world?

The Sun is the primary source of almost all energy on Earth. Solar energy is harnessed through various technologies such as solar panels to generate electricity, heat water, and power countless other applications.

What is the source of most of the earth energy?

The sun is the main source of energy on earth.