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Q: What is the source of the energy converted by producers?
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Where do most producers get their source of energy from?

Producers get their energy from the sun.

What is the source of producers energy?

The Sun

Some of the sun's is converted into wind and water waves-?

Some of the sun's energy is converted into wind and water waves. Most of the sun's energy are absorbed by the primary producers.

How do producers and consumers use their energy?

Consumers mainly obtain energy from the food that they eat. This means that their source of energy will be from the producers.

What is the main source of energy used when you eat?

The carbohydrates are the main source of energy from the food you eat, becausethey are most easily converted to useable energy. Fats are the second energy source used.Proteins are the third and most difficult source to be converted to energy.

What is source of energy for most of the worlds producers?

It is the sun because of its energy

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What is the main source of ecosystem?

The ecosystem is where we live, our environment, containing our sustinence and our shelter. I believe you phrased the question wrong, ecosystem isnt located in one particular place, there is no source it's all around us.