

What is the spanish word for i am going back home?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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I am going back home = Me vuelvo a casa.

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Q: What is the spanish word for i am going back home?
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What word best descibes home?

The best word the describes home is FAMILY. Home is where you came from, and that is where you will be going back as your grow old. When you grow old, you ought to find your home which becomes your FAMILY.

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Another word for going back is reverse

Is the spanish word for home masculine or femine?

"El hogar" Is the Spanish word for "home", and is masculine. There is a grey area here, because the term "la casa", a Spanish word for "house" is many times used for "home" as well.

What is the Spanish word for 'home'?

There is no spanish word for home. English speaking people often confuse the spanish word "casa" to mean home, but "casa" means house. If you believe that home and house are the same thing then "casa" is the answer. However, if you believe that the word "home" is an abstract concept and means more than a house (ie household - A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it or - An environment offering security and happiness) there is no word in spanish for this. that is wrong...the word for home in spanish is HOGAR -H-O-G-A-R.

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Assuming you are talking about Spanish in Spain and not Spanish in Mexico (otherwise known as Mexican), then it is ¿Cómo va? [translated literally/word for word]

What is word for back in spanish?

vuelta anything else, look up on google translate!xxx hope this helps :)

How do you say back in Spanish?

If you mean your back as in the part of your anatomy, the spanish word is "espalda" (S-paul-dah)

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If you mean the word "a" in Spanish, it is not spelled "ah" and it means "to," as in "I am going to the store."

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MMGV Means Mama Guevo Is Spanish. back into English translation, its the Spanish word for motherf**r.

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In order to say 'not' you usually just add the word 'no' before the verb.He's not home. No está en casa.I'm not going to go. No voy a ir.