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to laugh = reír

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Q: What is the spanish word for laugh?
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Gee, I just had to laugh a little at this one. :) The Spanish word for that is 'Mamá caliente'.

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spanish for more or "mildly amused smirk" much more appropriate than lol (laugh out loud) in most situations

How do you say Do not laugh in Spanish?

no ríes.

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What does the Spanish word chistes mean?

"Chistes" in Spanish translates to "jokes" in English. "Jokes" refer to a statement, question, or gesture intended to make others laugh or alter their mood.

What is the Hawaiian word for laugh?

laugh = 'aka

You make me laugh in spanish?

Me haces reir

How do you say you made me laugh in spanish?

You say, "Me hiciste reír." Lit.: "Me you made to laugh."

Why is the word laugh pronounced laff?

'Laugh' is a Gaelic word where the pronunciation rules are different from ours. In Gaelic, 'Laugh' is pronounced, 'Laff'.

Can the word laugh be hyphenated?

Depends on how you use the word. For example, you can use it if you are writing a hyphenated modifier: "She had that I'm-going-to-try-not- to-laugh-right-now face." But you can't hypenate the word when: "She had a terrible-laugh." ---> "She had a terrible laugh."

How many syllables does the word laughing have?

2. laugh-ing.

What the synonym of the word laugh?

giggle is one ofsynonyms for laugh