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Q: What is the spanish word for nice?
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What does the spanish word bunta mean?

The word does not exist in spanish, but i have a vauge idea of the word you are looking for and if it is that it is not a nice word and putting the answer up would trigger the dingbot.

How do you spell nice in spanish?

To spell out in Spanish the letters of the English word 'nice', say: N - ennay (ene) I - ee (i) C - thay ('th' as in 'thin') (ce) E - ay (e) (The bracketed 'ene' etc. are the Spanish names of the letters, preceded by their approximate English phonetic pronunciation) The Spanish word for nice is 'agradable'

What is the word for a nice spanish boy?

un nino espanol agradable

What does the spanish word amable mean in English?

Similar to the English word "amiable". It means friendly.

What does Bonita mean in spanish?

Bonita isn't a Japanese word. It's Spanish/Portuguese. It means "pretty" or "nice".

What does Que simpatico de ti mean in spanish?

How nice of you. NOTE the word simpatico is misused in this sentence. Simpatico means nice in spanish, but it is not used as a verb. Some one can be nice. But the act of DOING something nice would use a different word. And by the same token the word simpatico is only used when referring to a person's personality being nice. It is to refer to food or weather or any inanimate thing as nice. I can be used for animals, but it is really not a proper use. Simpatico is a specific word that means a specific thing of a person being nice.

How do you say 'nice' and 'sociable' in spanish?

agradable and amistoso, respectively. In Spanish, there is more than one word to describe both of these depens on the context which word is most appropriate.

What is spanish word for mean?

mean, as in not nice or cruel: antipático to mean, as in to signify: querer decir

Say the word close in Spanish?

It is cerrar. And it is pronounced the way it is said.Thank you for reading.Have a nice day.

How do you say i am smart in spanish?

This may be bragging, but the translation is "Soy inteligente."(The other Spanish word for smart, elegante, means to look nice, to be elegant.)

What does encantada mean in the Spanish language?

The word encantada is a friendly term in the Spanish language. The general translation of the work encantada is "pleased", "nice to meet you" or "how do you do".

What is Mucho gusto mean in enlish?

The Spanish word 'Mucho Qusto' means nice to meet you in English.