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Minicomputers, also called mid-range servers, are more powerful computers than micro-computers in terms of processing power and capabilities. Minicomputers are mainly multi-user systems where many users simultaneously work on the systems. Mini computers possess greater storage capacity and larger memories as compared to microcomputers. These are even capable of handling more input-output devices.

Examples are: PDP-11, VAX, 7500 MAGNUM etc.

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Q: What is the speed and capacity of a minicomputer?
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Mainframe computers have large memory storage. While minicomputers have small or less memory storage than mainframe computer. ... The processing speed of mainframe computer is faster than minicomputer. While the processing speed of minicomputer is slower than mainframe computer.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of minicomputer?

Advantages ; pros:very small, semi-portable, cheaper, good for any average user, can run Linux, OSX, or anything windows cons: Disadvantages ; not easily transported with a large monitor(also you have cords and mice

What is capacity and capability of mini computer?

Just like a desktop (or microcomputer), a minicomputer can have different capacities and hardware. However, minicomputers are almost always multi-user; their operating systems are designed to server multiple people at the same time. A minicomputer is usually physically larger than a microcomputer as well.

Considered to as the first successful minicomputer introduced by Digital Equipment corporation?

the first successfull minicomputer

What is the speed of 1gb?

A gigabyte is a measure of capacity, not speed.

Is a minicomputer larger than a microcomputer?

when the micros and the minis were introduced in the 1960's they differed both in their speed and storage capabilities. minis were usually used in areas where there was a need for multiple users to be logged in simultaneously but now the term minicomputer has become obsolete. microcomputers also have different types handheld, personal digital assistant, Macintosh (MAC), Tablet, Laptop (Notebook) and desktop while minicomputers are less expensive than mainframe computers. Minicomputers are also designed for a single user only.

In what year was the minicomputer invented?

The minicomputer was invented as early as the mid 1960s and were sold for a cheaper price than the larger computers from competitors that were on the market. It is rarely called a minicomputer now, it is now known as a midrange computer.

What is the cost of a minicomputer system?

Minicomputer systems (desktop, network, laptop, and handheld devices) range in price from $15,000 to $150,000.

What is the cost of minicomputer?


Who invented the minicomputer and when?

John regarht

Who invented the minicomputer?

John Regarht