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"Radiant" sounds like "radiation", which should give you a clue. It travels at the same speed as any other electromagnetic radiation: the speed of light.

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Q: What is the speed by which radiant heat in space?
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Related questions

Why does radiant heat travel so quikly?

Travels at the speed of light.

Does heat move only where atoms and molecules are?

No. There is empty space between the sun and earth, but radiant heat gets through that empty region.

In what form does radiant heat transmit?

Radiant heat transmits in the form of waves.

Describe what happens to radiant energy once it enters the atmosphere?

It may be converted into heat (or cause chemical reactions to occur), otherwise it remains radiant energy and escapes back into space. Note that much of what stays as heat is converted back into infra-red radiation and lost into space at night.

What is the difference between radiant heat and convection heat?

In convection heat you heat the air first and then use the hot air to heat yourself. In radiant heat, the energy must be radiated directly from the heat element to your body. Note that radiant is much more directional.

Why did the astronauts not freeze on the moon?

Good insulation is the biggest protection. The vacuum of space is an excellent insulator, the transfer of heat energy is primarily through contact and radiant heat.

Which method of heat transfer is the most important in a structure fire?


What is radiant heat, how is it made, and where does it come from?

Radiant heat is wonderful. It takes heat from an energy source--such as electrical coils in a ceiling--and warms the surrounding area gently. In the case of ceiling radiant heat, the warmth gradually spreads through the room. Radiant heating in a floor is a better choice because heat rises.

Is radiant heat better than a traditional furnace?

In my opinion, radiant heat is better than a traditional furnace. You have more control over how much heat you want, and where you want the heat. Using radiant heat is also more cost effective.

What is a difference between heat energy and radiant energy?

Heat Energy is one FORM of Radiant is not different.

Is radiant a noun?

The abstract noun for the adjective radiant is radiance.The word radiant is also a concrete noun; a word for the point or object from which light or heat radiates; the point in space from which a meteor shower appears to emanate.

What kind of heat is felt from the sun?

radiant heat.