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Q: What is the speed of an average human runner?
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How fast is a five minute mile?

That is a very good time for a human runner. It equates to an average speed of 12 miles per hour.

The average speed of a runner who runs 500.0 m in 1.3 min is?

The average speed of a runner who runs 500.0 m in 1.3 min is 6.41 m/s.

A long distance runner started on a course running at the average speed of 6mph one half hour later a second runner began the same course at an average speed of 7mph how long after the second runner?

9 hours

How many mph is the average runner going?

The answer depends on the distance for the race. A marathon runner could not maintain the speed attained by a sprint runner.

What is the average speed of a runner running a 1500 m race in 3 minutes 49.67 seconds?

The average speed of the runner is 1500m/(180 + 49.67) seconds = 6.531 m/s or 13 knots.

A runner runs 3 km in 5 minutes what is your average speed?

3 km in 5 min => his average speed is 36 km in 60 min, that is 36 km per hour. Clearly an extremely fast runner and way faster than MY average speed.

A runner travels 3 kilometers in 30 minutes. What is the speed of the runner?

Assuming the runner maintains his average speed for an hour, 3 kilometres in 30 minutes is equal to 6 kilometres per hour.

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What is the fastest speed a runner can go?

The fastest speed of a human running was set by Maurice Greene, who achieved a sprint speed of 26.7 mph.

What is the average speed of a runner who completes a 10000 meter race in 25 minutes?

400 mph

What is the average speed human running?


What is the differene between a human sprinting and a German Shepherd?

A human Athlete will be made to look like an unfit runner compared to the speed of a Shepherd.