

What is the speed of the closest satellite from earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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5800km /h and its the iss!

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Q: What is the speed of the closest satellite from earth?
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Why does a satellite travel at a greater speed when it is closest to earth?

The gravity is greater the nearer to Earth you go. The same is true for all planets.

what is called the earth closest and oldest satellite?

You've set two different criteria ... the Earth's closest satellite is not the oldest one. So you've asked two questions, and they have different answers: 1). The identity of the Earth's closest satellite changes frequently, because the close ones don't last long. 2). The Earth's oldest satellite is the Moon.

What is the speed of satellite?

A satellite has to maintain 1800miles/hr. around the Earth. If its speed were to speed up the satellite would fly off in to space. If the satellites speed were to slow down it would come crashing into Earth.

A satellite in an elliptical orbit loses speed when it?

A satellite in a closed orbit has the greatest speed when it's closest to the planet, and the lowest speed when it's farthest from the planet.

When is a satellite fastest while orbiting earth?

At periapsis, that is, when it is closest to Earth in its orbit.

What is the speed of a satellite that moves in an eliptical orbit around the earth?

If a satellite is in an elliptical orbit around the Earth, the Earth will be at one of the focii. The speed of the satellite will then constantly be changing. It will move the fastest when it is nearest to the Earth (perigee) and slowest when it is furthest away (apogee).

What is it meant by apogee and perigee?

Both of those words refer to points in the orbit of an earth satellite ... the moon or any artificial satellite. Apogee . . . the point in the orbit where the satellite is farthest from the earth. Perigee . . . the point in the orbit where the satellite is closest to the earth.

What keeps a satelite in its orbit around the earth?

The velocity of the satellite along with the earths gravitational pull work together to keep a satellite from either flying out into space or burning up in the atmosphere. They have to launch a satellite at a precise speed to make sure that the speed at which the satellite falls to earth matches the earth's curvature. The speed is 8000 meters a second.

At what part of an elliptical orbit does a satellite have the greatest speed the least speed?

in the orbit of a planet there is a point called perihelion which is closest point to the sun and aphelion which is furthest from the sun . Moment of a planet in it's elliptical orbit reaches it's maximum in perihelion

What does a satellite do when its in geostationary orbit?

it's hot. ;)

A satellite in a low earth orbit moving faster than a satellite in a geosynchronous orbit?

YES As height increases, speed of satellite decreases.

Why do the satellites not fall while revolving around the earth?

. The speed of the satellite is adjusted so that it falls to earth at the same rate that the curve of the earth falls away from the satellite. The satellite is perpetually falling, but it never hits the ground!