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Q: What is the speed of the water in river called?
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Does the water in a river travel at the same speed along its whole course?

No, the water travels at different speeds depending on the terrain. That's why you have some sections of a river called "rapids."

As more water flows through a river its speed will?

As more water flows through a river, its speed will increase.

How does speed of water in a river affect its ability to cause erosion?

The faster the speed of water in a river the more erosion is causes. The slower the water the less amount of erosion it causes.

What term describes the speed of the flow of water in a river or a river stream?


What is the triangle-shaped collection of dirt where a river reaches the ocean?

A river delta is the land mass formed by deposits from the river . This land mass occurs when the speed of the water diminishes enough that the sediment can no longer be suspended by the water's flow.

What is the fastest speed that the river Nile water has gone?


What Is River Realignment?

It is the straightening of the river channel. This is to remove meanders and reduce the length of the river. Thus, increasing the speed of the river. When the speed of the river is increased, the water is abpe to be washed away quicker preventing floods.

What factors might affect how quickly a waterfall develops?

the speed of the river and the amount of water in the river.

When a river floods would its water flow faster or slower than its normal speed?

When a river floods it water will flow faster then the normal speed.

What is the body of water which emties into the fort george river called?

it is called the hellow river

Why is the Amazon River called the '' Ocean River''?

The Amazon River is called the "Ocean River" because we get about 20% of fresh water from there in the world!

The area where water drains into a river is called?

the area from which water drains into a river is called the river's catchment. A river's watershed is the connecting ridges surrounding the watershed, and separating it from adjacent ones.