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Q: What is the spiritual meaning of seeing an osprey with a fish at a wedding?
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What is the spiritual meaning of seeing a squirrel struggling?

I think the "spiritual meaning" is that you're not blind, and there are squirrels where you live.

What is the spiritual meaning of seeing water when meditating?

It has no meaning. It is what the Japanese call a "makyo," which is a phenomenon such as a fantasy. The important point is not to attach to it. Notice it and go back to your practicing by focusing on whatever you are supposed to be focusing on.

What does 'Doordarshan' mean in English?

Doordarshan is a combination of two words: "Door" (the oo is pronounced as in "ooh"), meaning 'distant'; and "Darshan" meaning 'seeing'. In an astronomical sense, the word refers to a telescope. In a spiritual sense, it refers to clairvoyance.

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nothing that i know off

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Seeing it means nothing. The number itself has a spiritual meaning, representing the Devil, which you probably already know. If the number was not 666, you wouldn't notice it. You notice what you want to notice.

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It is my understanding by divine as all seeing holiness, trinity as; God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit; as all knowing ; all seeing; all prophetic. Absolute.

Is Bethany married?

No she is not, she called off the wedding because she is seeing someone esle.

Is the superstitons groom not seeing the bride before the wedding international?

Yes, I believe it is.

Is Bethany lenz married?

No she is not, she called off the wedding because she is seeing someone esle.

What is the spiritual meaning in seeing deer?

Native Americans believe a person starts to see what appears to be coincidences or signs or omens concerning what animal is their appropriate animal. If a deer spirit catches your attention it is to encourage you to face difficulties with gentleness.

What is the Malayalam meaning of 'seeing '?

Namukku kaanaam