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The withers. This is the highest point on a horse's back, and is formed by the dorsal vertebrae.

A horse or pony's height is determined by the distance between the ground and the highest point on his withers, using a unique unit of measure called a "hand." One hand is equal to four inches.

Height is expressed by the number of hand units tall, followed by a decimal point, then the number of inches (if any) remaining above the last full "hand." More simply, a horse that stands 5 feet tall (or 60 inches) at the highest point of his withers, would measure 15.0 hands high (60 inches divided by 4 (a hand) = 15). If the horse was just two inches taller, his height would be recorded as 15.2 hands.

One way horses are distinguished from ponies is on the basis of size, with horses measuring over 14.2 hands (58 inches, or 4'8.3" at the back), and ponies measuring at or below that size.

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15y ago
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15y ago

A horses point of shoulder is the boney structure at the front of their chest/base if their neck. It is where the humerus and shoulder blade connect. When standing side on, the point of shoulder is quite obvious. It is the part that juts out on their chest.

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13y ago

the answer is Withers :)

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11y ago

the withers

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Q: What is the spot called on a horse that is just after a horse's neck but above the shoulders?
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Where on a horses body is the withers?

The horse withers is at the end of the mane right above the shoulders. Hope that helps! :)

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Where are a horse's withers?

The horse's withers are the top of its shoulders, where the neck joins the body. This is where the horse is measured (height is taken from the withers not the head) and also where the saddle sits.

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a group of horses is called a herd, and a male horse is a stallion

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A greyish horse is called a grey horse nice and simple, so is a white horse ( called a grey that is ).

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