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you shouldn't have a squishy sac it is probably testicular cancer fix it.

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Q: What is the squishy sack above the left testicle?
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In Lord of the Flies What is the space around Henry?

Henry is a testicle, the space around him is the warm cozy ball sack.. formally known as a scrotom

How big is a mans testicle sack?

It depends on weather. It gets larger on hot days and shrink in cold weather.

How was the name kidney derived?

The etymological origin of the word kidney is unclear. It is thought to possibly come from the Proto-Germanic *keudō ‎ meaning "sack, testicle".

Where is sperm stored before it travels to vas deferens?

It is stored in the epididymis, which is a sack-like organ attached to your testicles. You can actually feel it yourself, if you want. There is one attached to each testicle and are usually around the same size as the testicle itself.

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How far can human testicle stretch?

A good 5 inches uncut, but if the sack is cut open it can stretch as far as a 2 story building, and still hold on to it like a grappling hook.

Do hot fries contain pork?

yes they do

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it weighs almost as much as my left nut-sack

What is located in the scrotum?

The "Ball Sack" is called a "scrotum" and contains testicles.

Is it normal for an 11 year old boy to have a saggy testicle sack?

Yes, it is normal for this until the boy reaches puberty and begins to develop his sexual organs along with the rest of his body. Puberty is a time for growing and maturing.

What does it mean when your ball sack hurts?

It is not good. Your testicle should NEVER leave your scrotum. You should report to a hospital immediatly for evaluation of your testicles, scrotum, and possibly penis.