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Q: What is the sss id number of beta electric corporation?
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Which region has the greatest amount of earthquake activity?


What are 5 solutions?

5 solutions can be colrox,fabric cleaner,sss tonix(medicine),coconut cooler.these are found in the house

What is the relationship between forces and energy?

Energy is the ability to do work. Force is something that changes motion.

How is salinity affected by ITCZ?

Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is where the convergence of air from north and south around the equator. ITCZ occur along the equatorial, continuously. Heat from the Sun causes the air to expanded and rises up to the atmosphere, in mass, result in precipitation. With the constant heat supply from the Sun and precipitation, ITCZ is a zone where is constantly hot and humid. The precipitation has caused the sea water salinity to be lower explained the lower SSS around equator but SST remain to be high. However, the ITCZ will shift its location from time to time according to season as it only occur in the area with intense sunlight. Thus, in tropical area, there will have a season with high precipitation and causes the SSS to Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is where the convergence of air from north and south around the equator. ITCZ occur along the equatorial, continuously. Heat from the Sun causes the air to expanded and rises up to the atmosphere, in mass, result in precipitation. With the constant heat supply from the Sun and precipitation, ITCZ is a zone where is constantly hot and humid. The precipitation has caused the sea water salinity to be lower explained the lower SSS around equator but SST remain to be high. However, the ITCZ will shift its location from time to time according to season as it only occur in the area with intense sunlight. Thus, in tropical area, there will have a season with high precipitation and causes the SSS to be lower as the ITCZ shifted to that area.

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